Do you struggle to write the perfect motivation letter?

Do you struggle to write the perfect motivation letter?

A motivation letter is your opportunity to elaborate on your interest in the position and the company, to show your personality and to highlight specific aspects of your CV. It is not always easy to write a catchy motivation letter, but if you mention the 7 things below in your letter you will have the perfect foundation.

1 Salutation

Start with a formal greeting, addressed to the appropriate person or department if that information is available. If you know the name of the person you are addressing the letter to, use it in the salutation (for example: “Dear Sir/Madam [naam]”).

2 Introduction

Briefly explain who you are and why you are applying. You can refer to the specific vacancy or how you heard about the vacancy.

3 Why this function

Explain why you are interested in this specific position and why you would like to work at this company. Research the company and identify aspects that appeal to you, such as company culture, values, projects, mission, etc.

4 Link your experience to the position

Discuss some highlights from your resume that match the requirements of the position. Provide examples of how your skills and experience can add value to the team or company.

5 Personal motivation

Explain why you are motivated for this position. What specifically attracts you to the work or sector? What motivates you to contribute to the company?

6 Closure

Conclude with a strong summary in which you once again emphasize your interest and enthusiasm for the position and the company. Thank the reader for their time and consider mentioning that you would welcome the opportunity to discuss more in a personal conversation.

7 Sign

Use a formal farewell greeting such as “Kind regards” followed by your full name and, if necessary, your contact information.

Make sure your motivation letter is clear, concise and well structured. Adapt the letter to the specific position and company, avoid repeating information from your CV and use concrete examples to support your arguments. Let your personality and enthusiasm shine through to leave a positive impression.

Let us inspire you

We are happy to help you write the perfect motivation letter. Contact us to discuss the possibilities together.

Let us inspire you

We are happy to help you write the perfect motivation letter. Contact us to discuss the possibilities together.


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