At Upforce we go beyond compliance
At Upforce we go beyond compliance
We are certified and comply with all legal standards and regulations that apply to employment agencies. This includes complying with laws and regulations regarding labor, safety and quality, and ensuring fair and ethical practices in our recruitment and selection processes.
As member of the ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendondernemingen), we commit ourselves to the highest standards of quality and integrity. This membership underlines our commitment to ethical business conduct, fair employment conditions and optimal care for both employers and employees.
NEN 4400-1
The NEN 4400-1 standard is a quality standard in the Netherlands that is applied to employment agencies and contractors of work issued by NEN. The certificate is issued to companies that meet strict requirements in the field of fiscal reliability, correct wage payments, and compliance with social insurance contributions and taxes. Compliance with NEN 4400-1 is crucial for a temporary employment agency. The certificate confirms that the agency is financially stable, maintains correct payroll administration and complies with all legal obligations regarding taxes and social security contributions.
SNA (Stichting Normering Arbeid) focuses on compliance with labor laws and regulations by companies that provide workers or accept work. The SNA certificate shows that an employment agency or contractor meets the requirements in the areas of correct wage payment, tax and social security contributions, and the prevention of illegal employment. Look at our SNA certificat.
The certificate SNF (Stichting Normering Flexwonen) relates to the housing of migrant workers. The certificate is awarded to organizations that provide housing for workers and guarantees that this housing meets specific standards for safety, hygiene and quality of life. Look at our SNF certificat.